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To Overview:
The Genesis of Eden
Chris King
Suras from the Axis Mundi
Torn from his dreaming, he felt himself
overwhelmed by a devastating presence.,
saying "Iqra - Recite!"
Version 4.0 Apr 98 king@math.auckland.ac.nz
Acknowledgement in gratitude to
Gerard de Wit for many hours of vigilant and imaginative editing
The CD
version of the Genesis of Eden is now shipping!
$15 US will earn you a free audio visual CD for PC and/or
Mac and for CD audio player containing:
- Updated "Genesis of Eden"
- A Quicktime movie "Sourcing the Genesis"
- Sacred Marriage Songs of the Bridegroom.
Eleven songs of descent and requital in the sacred marriage.
Please send donations with your return address to:
Chris King, Mathematics, University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand.
E-mail: king@math.auckland.ac.nz
Genesis Homepage: http://math.auckland.ac.nz/~king/Preprints/book/genesis.html
You may also gift copies to your friends by including
a donation and a forwarding address.
Contents In Chaotic
As wave is to particle, so sceptic is to believer,
in the Ultimate Tao
The CD, the Millennium and Sakina 2000
- Key to the
Images from Sourcing the Genesis (Index Key to the
CD Movie)
- Conceiving Genesis
(Introduction to the CD)
- Conceiving
Genesis Part 2 The Gnostic Kiss
- Sacred Marriage
Songs of the Bridegroom
- Requital Document
(For the Millennium)
- Configuration File (for
the CD)
- SAKINA 2000 - Homepage
Jerusalem Epiphany 2000 - Sakina - Ceremony of the Dove
Ecological Gender Renewal
- The Renewal
- Sowing the Spores of Immortality (Regenerating Planet Earth)
Reviews of the Renewal
Voices of the Floodtide
Ecofeminist and Feminine Spirituality Visions of the Renewal
of Life
- Avoiding
Genetic Holocaust
(A Scientific, Political and Visionary Strategy for the Millennium)
Part 1: Scientific Intimations of Immortality
Biodiversity and Healing Earth
- The Sacrifice
of Eve (Preventing the Last Great Extinction)
- The Value of Biodiversity
Threatened Habitats
- Holocaust
of the Green Cathedral (Tropical Deforestation)
- The Eye of Hathor
(Searing the Planet: Global Warming and the Ozone Hole)
- The Violation
of Gaea (Energy, Pollution and Desertification
- The Exploding Population
(The Population Time-Bomb: The Crucial Role of Women)
- Exploding the Millennium
(Disarmament and Biodiversity)
- Lethal Controversies
Cosmology, Biogenesis, Consciousness
- Order, Chaos and the Creative Principle
- Genesis: Science
and Allegory
- Embracing
Quantum Reality and Relativity
- Unified
Field Theories, Symmetry-Breaking and the Inflationary Universe
- The Evolution
of the Universe
- Planets
in Abundance
- Extinction and Survival (Comet
and Asteroid Risks to Earth)
- Biocosmology
1: Cosmic Symmetry-breaking and Molecular Evolution
- Biocosmology
2: Central Polymerization Pathways (Cosmological genetics)
- The Tree of Life:
Evolution at the Edge of Chaos
- Modular Transposition
and the Dynamical Structure of Eukaryote Regulatory Evolution
- The Sociobiology
of Gender (Sociobiology in the Renewal)
- Quantum Mechanics,
Chaos and Consciousness
- Fractal and
Chaotic Dynamics in Nervous Systems
- Fractal Neurodyamics
and Quantum Chaos: Resolving the Mind-Brain Paradox Through
Novel Biophysics
- Science Preprints: A variety of
Research Papers from Physics to Neurobiology
- Science and the
Genetic Technology and Eco-politics
- Through a Glass Darkly: The Genetic Future of Eden
- Trans-nationalization,
the Fall of Democracy and Ecosystemic Society
Part 2: The Mythopoetic Stream of Consciousness
- An Hymn to EVE
- The Opening
- Thanks-giving to Tane
- Guardian of the World Tree
- The Five Cardinal
The Prophetic Tradition and the Immortal Feminine
- Consummating
Eden 1: (The Power of Archetypal Myth)
Consummating Eden
2: (The Eden of Genesis)
Consummating Eden
3: (The Synoptic Gospel of Eve)
Consummating Eden
4: (The Consummation)
- The Hieros Gamos 1: (Exorcising Bitter-Sweet Hystery)
- The Hieros Gamos
2: (The Gospel of Miriam)
- The Tragic Fertility
of Canaan
- The Origins
of Sin 1: The Origin of Sin and
the Queen of Heaven
The Origins of Sin
2a: The Sin of the Patriarchs and the Death of Moses
The Origins of Sin
2b: Redaction adn the Decalogue - Circumcision and the Sacrifice
The Origins of Sin
2c : Yahweh and the Asherah - On Every High Hill and Under
Every Green Tree
The Origins of Sin 3: The Lunar
Passion and the Daughters of Allah
- The Song and the Wisdom
(Blood Roses: The Song of Sheba and the Sophia of Solomon)
- The Nemesis of the White Goddess
- Three Faces of Eve:
Sacrifice as Original Sin
- The Literary Life of Deity and the
Omega of Gender
- The Gnosis of Homo
- The Apocalyptic Tradition
(Essenes, Nabim and Hasidim)
- This Day the Scripture is Fulfilled
[in your ears]: (Prophecy and the Messiah)
Das Leben Yeshu - Vie de Jesus
- The Life of Jesus
The Five Trees of Paradise: Oracles
of Yeshua the Messiah of Israel (The Synoptic Gospel of Judas
the Twin)
Jesus of Myth and Miracle
- Treading the
Winepress - Yeshua and Dionysus (Yeshua's Gospel of Dhu
Treading the Winepress
- The Epiphany of
Miraculous Dread (Dionysus and Demeter)
- Bringing Jesus Down
from the Cross: (Martyrdom, Religious Genocide and the Inquisition)
Bringing Jesus Down From the Cross
2: (Witch Hunts, Exorcism, Death Penalty, Euthanasia)
- The Rebirth
of the Church and the Transfoliation of Life: (The Path
of the Seed)
- The Agape of the
- Fulfilling the Torah of Moses in
the Shekhinah and the Asherah
- Maori Prophecy and
- The Fatwah and the
- The Legacy of the Prophet
Shamanism, Samadhi and the Tao
- The Psychic Descent
- Shamanism and Reality
- The Shamans of Eden
and the Goddess of Gaia: The Future of Planet Earth
- The Transmission
of the Eucharist - A Homage to María Sabina
- Carlos the Coyote,
Ramon Silva and Maria Sabina
- Twelve Constellations
of the Girdle of Gaia 1 (The Sacred Plants)
Twelve Constellations 2:
The True Hallucinogens
Twelve Constellations
2b: The True Hallucinogens Part 2
Twelve Constellations
3: The Witching Plants
- The Gardens of Adonis:
Medicinal and Chemically useful Plants
- The Chemical
Complexity of Food: Vitamins, Phytochemicals, Anti-cancer
- The River of the
- Buddha and Queen Maya:
(The Illusion of the Garden)
- The Way of the Ultimate
Tao: (The Path of Nature in Ancient China)
- Alchemy and the Renewal:
The Archetype and Synchronicity of Carl Jung
- The Reality of
Perspective, Commentary and Review
- April/May 98 Sakina exchanges
- Rainbow Dialogues
of the 'Shimmering Page'
- The Hard Problem in Consciousness
and the Physics of Apocalypse
- Abrogating Religious Tradition
in the Name of Truth
- The Greening of Eschatology
(Millennial Ecocrisis)
- Sakina, Kabbalah, Shekhinah: The
Feminine Face of God and the Tree of Life
- Apocalypse Now and Then
[A Review]
Bridegroom of Fertility
- The Nagual of the
- Life, the Universe
and the Unveiling
- Carrying the Buskins of Tragedy
- The Poetic Irony
of Prophecy: (Synchronicity and lunacy)
- Invocation
- References
Epiphany 2000 - SAKINA
Ceremony of the Dove - Drawing down the Shekinah
Musical Celebration of Peace within Cultural Diversity
Wisdom Conference: The Feminine Vision of the Renewal
Christmas 1996: The Opening call to the
Goddess of Fertility.
Two Acrobat Reader (.pdf) documents (Acrobat can be downloaded
from Adobe)
Koan of Renewal To
Taslima Nasrin (view at ~122%)
Gnostic Nativity of
the Twin Kettle Drums of the Lady of Clamours
Christmas Release 1997:
Bridegrooms Sacred Marriage Vow
Easter Release
1998: Ninety-nine Names of Easter
Valentine Card 1998
Four Quotations for the Transformation:
- Taslima Nasrin:
"I know if I ever go back I'll have to keep silent,
stay inside my house. I'll never lead a normal life in my country,
until my death. ... Deep in my soul I still have the urge to
create, once more to bring forth the flowers."
- Petra Kelly:
"Male-led revolutions ... have often been about dying
for a cause. Feminist-conceived transformation is all the more
about daring to live for a cause".
- Tori Amos:
"Our whole Goddess culture has been destroyed ... And for
our Goddess, who is our mother of fertility and passion, to be
a virgin? ..And it's not just Christianity, it's all over the
planet. ... Basically I say to Him ... God ... You know, you
need a babe. ..."
- Uta Ranke Heinmann
As far as it lies in our power we should make Jesus climb
down from the cross and go on living. In this way we can erase
the image of a terrible God that matches the intellectual void
of Christian Theology.
Ecosystemic Diversity of the Renewal: Links
to Sister Sites
Copyright: Chris King
Please ask for permission by E-mail, as exclusive copyright is
Permission for source reference material pending.
An integral part of this exercise are several scientific
research sections, covering biodiversity,
and environmental
change, and particularly the impact of genetic
technologies. Further scientific sections cover quantum cosmology,
quantum reality,
evolution and consciousness research medicinal
and psychic plants.
The purpose of the Genesis is both scientific
and visionary:
- To halt the great extinction
and protect the splendour and diversity of evolving life.
- To guard our genetic future
with foresight so that the immortal evolutionary
age can unfold in the true wonder of its full potential.
- To describe the biocosmological
nature of reality.
- To permanently remove all nuclear
weapons, promote world disarmament and the removal of
chemical and biological weapons.
- To heal the rift between Female
and Male: To restore the balance of the feminine principle
of sustainability.
To cool the Eye of Hathor
and invoke the Shekinah.
- To 'abrogate the
law of the predecessor' and end the patriarchal hegemony,
which has been a continuing violation of the ultimate
Tao .
- To end the Pangs
of the Messiah - Bringing
Jesus Down from the Cross, freeing Mary from male bondage
and heal the rift between Christian Moslem, and Jew.
- To illuminate with the fire of conscious
gnosis - the return to Eve of Maria's Fruit
of the Tree, Consummating
When I began The Genesis of Eden, the visionary research
field unexpectedly exploded. The prophetic dreamtime of the White Goddess yielded
to the historical undercurrent of her lunar complement. The Moon God ran like a
river of cool fire through the patriarchal traditions of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam. His relationship with the Queen
of Heaven was pivotal to the Fall
from Eden, the Crucifixion
and the Hajira. To
close the mythological cycle requires unravelling it back to its
foundations, a comprehensive vision quest through the ornate web
of cultural and religious evolution. An apocalyptic accounting
to consummate the millennium of our coming of age.
to Chris King
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